Brunch! :)
To celebrate the 3000th hit mark, I decided to make something special for my family! One of my favorite meals --brunch! Here I have some steak, grilled tomatoes, pork&beans, and scrambled eggs. I would've cooked some sausages, bacon, potatoes, and served it all with toasted bread and marmalade, but my parents still wanted to eat rice (we're Asian), so it would've been too much if I cooked more meat. Anyway, this here is pretty easy to make!
You just need: (serves 1)
Good quality steak, about 0.5 or less inches
small can of baked beans in tomato sauce (pork & beans)
1 small tomato, sliced
1 egg, beaten
salt and pepper
rosemary; dried or fresh
griddle and/or frying pan
olive oil
1. Prepare the steak by rubbing it with some salt, pepper, and rosemary. Spread a bit of butter on it too, and just let the flavors sink in by putting the meat in a small tupperware or ziplock.
2. While the steak's enjoying its rub (haha), make the scrambled egg first: mix a dash of salt and pepper in your beaten egg, fry in hot frying pan with oil. While doing this, heat griddle.
3. When scrambled egg is done, put on serving plate.
4. When griddle is hot, pour a bit of olive oil on one side and put on the tomatoes
5. On the other side of the griddle, grill the steak 5-8 minutes on each side (if you have a small griddle, feel free to do this in batches)
6. When the steak is almost done, melt some butter on it.
7. As for the tomatoes, you'll know it's done when there are small burn marks on it already.
8. Put the steak and grilled tomato slices alongside the scrambled eggs.
9. Heat beans for about 30 seconds to a minute in the microwave or a pan.
10. Serve everything either with toasted bread or rice! :)
Grilled Teriyaki Fish
For this recipe, you'll need the following (serves 3-4):
1. 3-4 pieces of good quality fish like Salmon or Gindara cut ala steak or steak fillet. (It's better to use fish with the skin on, so there will be a less chance of the fish breaking into pieces while being cooked or transferred from grill to plate.)
2. a small grill or griddle
3. rock salt and ground black pepper
4. 5.5 tbsp of teriyaki sauce
5. 1 tbsp of powdered ginger
6. 2 tbsp of lemon/lime juice
1. In a small bowl or tupperware, sprinkle the fish with a dash of rock salt and ground pepper, followed by the powdered ginger, lemon/lime juice, and 3 tbsp of teriyaki sauce. Cover container and refrigerate for 20-30 minutes. Make sure to turn over the fish in the middle of the marinating time.
2. Heat grill and brush with oil
3. When grill is very hot, lay down the fish steaks side by side. Grill only 5-8 minutes/side, so that the inside of the steak is still a little slippery and pink (if salmon is used). While grilling, baste using teriyaki sauce left in marinade container.
4. Transfer to a plate (be careful while doing so, if using skinless, boneless steak fillet, or else fish might break!)
5. Pour the 2.5 tbsp left of teriyaki sauce onto fish while it is hot.
6. Serve with a bowl or plate of hot rice, and maybe even a side of vegetables!
Enjoy! :)